Generating Signed Transaction#
You can use Tronweb to complete the tasks of this section, for more details, please refer to: Tronweb Github Tronweb API 文档
Alternatively, you can use API Signature and Broadcast Flow to generate a signed transaction.
The above document shows the complete workflow of using APIs, Here is mainly Tronweb, using freezeBalance as an example.
Creating a Transaction#
Create an unsigned transaction for freezing balance. Tronweb freezeBalance
Signing the Transaction#
Sign the transaction with your private key. Tronweb sign
?? Never use this in any web / user-facing applications, as it will expose your private key. For security reasons, please use a local full node.
Broadcast the Transaction#
Broadcast the signed transaction. Tronweb Broadcast transaction
?? The broadcasting function in Tronweb is sendrawtransaction without a 'broadcast' keyword, refer to the source code for details.
Full Code Example#
const CryptoUtils = require("@tronscan/client/src/utils/crypto");
const TransactionUtils = require("@tronscan/client/src/utils/transactionBuilder");
function transferContractTx() {
const privateKey = "b815adfd6ef133d5a878869cb3a2b31f32d4c1481132a71300c3e125be0ab1a1";
const token = "TRX";
const fromAddress = CryptoUtils.pkToAddress(privateKey);
const toAddress = "TQ6pM81JDC2GhrUoNYtZGvPc7SvyqcemEu";
const amount = 1;
let transaction = TransactionUtils.buildTransferTransaction(token, fromAddress, toAddress, amount);
let signedTransaction = CryptoUtils.signTransaction(privateKey, transaction);
Transaction Confirmation#
The mechanism of TRON's block validation is that a block is validated after this block is produced and 19 different SRs produce subsequent blocks based on this block.
When a block is confirmed, transactions inside are all confirmed. TRON provides the /walletsolidty/ interface to make it easier for users to search for confirmed transactions; the following describes how to confirm different types of transactions.
Transaction Type | Method of transaction confirmation |
transferContract and transferAssetContract | As long as the transaction can query the results via walletsolidity/gettransactioninfobyid or walletsolidity/gettransactionbyid. |
TriggerSmartContract | There are two ways to judge: 1. Find transactionInfo.receipt.result=success via the /walletsolidity/gettransactioninfobyid interface (It is not recommended to use transactionInfo.result to judge, because for the http interface, successful transactions do not return this field by default). 2. Via /walletsolidity/gettransactionbyid The interface found transaction.ret.contractRet =success |
InternalTransaction | Query by /walletsolidity/gettransactioninfobyid. Http interface: For successful transactions, the rejected field is not returned by default. For failed transactions, rejected=true. Grpc interface: For successful transactions, rejected=false (indicating that the current internalTransaction has not been discarded), For failed transactions, rejected=true. |
Multi-type transactions#
There are many types of transactions in TRON network: protobuf TRONWEB.TRANSACTIONBUILDER Please read these contents for more details.
Build transaction locally#
This example shows how to build a transaction locally. The local transaction construction is used to construct the internal data of the transaction. If the developer has requirements like the offline signature, transaction remarks, Etc, please refer to this article.
message raw {
bytes ref_block_bytes = 1;//Bytes between 6th and 8th (exclusive) of the latest block height
int64 ref_block_num = 3;//block height, optional
bytes ref_block_hash = 4;//Bytes between 8th and 16th (not included) of the hash of the latest block
int64 expiration = 8;//transaction expiration time,the latest block time + n. Modify n in the configuration file of the local node, the default expiration time of the public node is 1 minute.
//The condition is (Expiration > latest block time and Expiration < latest block time + 24hrs).If the conditions are met, the transaction is legal, otherwise the transaction is an expired transaction and will not be accepted by main net.
repeated authority auths = 9;//permission information
// data not used
bytes data = 10;//comments, optional
//only support size = 1, repeated list here for extension
repeated Contract contract = 11;//contract information
// scripts not used
bytes scripts = 12;//comments, optional
int64 timestamp = 14;//transaction created time
int64 fee_limit = 18;//The trx consuming threshold due to insufficient resources
Currently only RPC interface is supported.
Java example Here you can introduce a call environment for the RPC interface via wallet-cli.
package org.tron.demo;
import org.tron.api.GrpcAPI.Return;
import org.tron.api.GrpcAPI.TransactionExtention;
import org.tron.common.crypto.ECKey;
import org.tron.common.crypto.Sha256Sm3Hash;
import org.tron.common.utils.ByteArray;
import org.tron.core.exception.CancelException;
import org.tron.protos.Contract;
import org.tron.protos.Protocol.Block;
import org.tron.protos.Protocol.Transaction;
import org.tron.walletserver.WalletApi;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class TransactionSignDemo {
/* Set reference block data*/
public static Transaction setReference(Transaction transaction, Block newestBlock) {
long blockHeight = newestBlock.getBlockHeader().getRawData().getNumber();
byte[] blockHash = getBlockHash(newestBlock).getBytes();
byte[] refBlockNum = ByteArray.fromLong(blockHeight);
Transaction.raw rawData = transaction.getRawData().toBuilder()
.setRefBlockHash(ByteString.copyFrom(ByteArray.subArray(blockHash, 8, 16)))
.setRefBlockBytes(ByteString.copyFrom(ByteArray.subArray(refBlockNum, 6, 8)))
return transaction.toBuilder().setRawData(rawData).build();
public static Sha256Sm3Hash getBlockHash(Block block) {
return Sha256Sm3Hash.of(block.getBlockHeader().getRawData().toByteArray());
public static String getTransactionHash(Transaction transaction) {
String txid = ByteArray.toHexString(Sha256Sm3Hash.hash(transaction.getRawData().toByteArray()));
return txid;
public static Transaction createTransaction(byte[] from, byte[] to, long amount) {
Transaction.Builder transactionBuilder = Transaction.newBuilder();
Block newestBlock = WalletApi.getBlock(-1);
Transaction.Contract.Builder contractBuilder = Transaction.Contract.newBuilder();
Contract.TransferContract.Builder transferContractBuilder =
ByteString bsTo = ByteString.copyFrom(to);
ByteString bsOwner = ByteString.copyFrom(from);
try {
Any any = Any.pack(;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
/* Set memo, transaction expiration time and other data*/
.setExpiration(newestBlock.getBlockHeader().getRawData().getTimestamp() + 10 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
Transaction transaction =;
Transaction refTransaction = setReference(transaction, newestBlock);
return refTransaction;
private static byte[] signTransaction2Byte(byte[] transaction, byte[] privateKey)
throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
ECKey ecKey = ECKey.fromPrivate(privateKey);
Transaction transaction1 = Transaction.parseFrom(transaction);
byte[] rawdata = transaction1.getRawData().toByteArray();
byte[] hash = Sha256Sm3Hash.hash(rawdata);
byte[] sign = ecKey.sign(hash).toByteArray();
return transaction1.toBuilder().addSignature(ByteString.copyFrom(sign)).build().toByteArray();
private static boolean broadcast(byte[] transactionBytes) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
return WalletApi.broadcastTransaction(transactionBytes);
public static void main(String[] args) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException, CancelException {
String privateStr = "da146374a75310b9666e834ee4ad0866d6f4035967bfc76217c5a495fff9f0d0";
byte[] privateBytes = ByteArray.fromHexString(privateStr);
ECKey ecKey = ECKey.fromPrivate(privateBytes);
byte[] from = ecKey.getAddress();
byte[] to = WalletApi.decodeFromBase58Check("TN9RRaXkCFtTXRso2GdTZxSxxwufzxLQPP");
long amount = 100_000_000L; // 100 TRX, api only receive trx in Sun, and 1 trx = 1000000 Sun
Transaction transaction = createTransaction(from, to, amount);
byte[] transactionBytes = transaction.toByteArray();
byte[] transaction4 = signTransaction2Byte(transactionBytes, privateBytes);
boolean result = broadcast(transaction4);
After executing the above code, the result of querying this transaction information.
"ret": [
"contractRet": "SUCCESS"
"signature": [
"txID": "a1185aad04cfa78cb66d5eb3780b8801dde1d49d14aee9e21841194b81a64bd6",
"raw_data": {
"data": "6d656d6f",
"contract": [
"parameter": {
"value": {
"amount": 100000000,
"owner_address": "41bf97a54f4b829c4e9253b26024b1829e1a3b1120",
"to_address": "41859009fd225692b11237a6ffd8fdba2eb7140cca"
"type_url": ""
"type": "TransferContract"
"ref_block_bytes": "c75b",
"ref_block_hash": "7cfc890c6e4d7a15",
"expiration": 1583304414000,
"ref_block_num": 2541403,
"scripts": "73637269707473",
"timestamp": 1583268416080
"raw_data_hex": "0a02c75b18db8e9b0122087cfc890c6e4d7a1540b0a6b0a28a2e52046d656d6f5a68080112640a2d747970652e676f6f676c65617069732e636f6d2f70726f746f636f6c2e5472616e73666572436f6e747261637412330a1541bf97a54f4b829c4e9253b26024b1829e1a3b1120121541859009fd225692b11237a6ffd8fdba2eb7140cca1880c2d72f62077363726970747370d0949b918a2e"
The information in the data field can be used as memo information (the data is displayed in TronScan), and the content is retrieved by Hex to String.