This site shows how to use OmotenashiCoin wallet function, master node setup, and other OmotenashiCoin functions.
OmotenashiCoin User's Manual Team


Based on the word “omotenashi” as a keyword, we devised a omotenashi coin based on the desire to support tourism businesses such as malls and shopping malls and tourist commercial facilities in malls.


The Omotenashi coin is cloned from a PIVX coin and is a concept-based cryptocurrency.
The primary feature of the technical elements of this coin is that the number of coins issued as coin rewards increases or decreases over a certain period of time.
This algorithm functions to provide a certain amount of coins to coin miner (PoW), master node (Masternode) builder, coin user.
The number of coins issued in coin rewards of other coins currently provided is generally logic that issues gradually, issue randomly, or issue a fixed amount.
However, the number of Omotenashi coins increases or decreases over a certain period of time. There is a desire to maintain the balance of Omotenashi coin demand and supply within a certain period of time and devised an algorithm to repeat this cycle.
I associated this argument with “breathing” or “repeating” and named it “BeAdem Cycle”.Based on the word “omotenashi” as a keyword, we devised a Omotenashi coin based on the desire to support tourism businesses such as malls and shopping malls and tourist commercial facilities in malls.


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